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Pharmaceuticals firm releases diabetes meds

BINH DUONG — Local drug company ICA Pharmaceuticals has introduced new medicines to treat diabetes and complications associated with the condition onto the Vietnamese market.

One of the medicines is Zidenol (Gliclazide) which can be used to treat type 2 diabetes. The other is Zidimet (Trimetazidine) which is suitable for sufferers of coronary thrombosis.

The medicines would cost 15-20 per cent less than similar imported products and would be manufactured to European standards, ICA said.

The wholly locally-invested company launched the medicines last Saturday at a meeting of several hundred professors, doctors and experts in the southern province of Binh Duong.

Diabetes is on the rise in Viet Nam, according to research from HCM City’s health department.

About 5 per cent of the city’s adults suffer from diabetes and more than three-quarters of these patients later develop cardio-arterial diseases it said. — VNS

(Source VietNam News)
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